2022-07-13 来源:
托福听力真题原文+题目+答案下载:Before live on moon
Narrator: Listen part of a lecture in an astronomy class.
P:There's long been talk about colonizing the moon, both for research and as a stepping stone to Mars. But its currently impossible to sustain astronauts on the moon on a long-term basis. Astronauts need water, food, and oxygen among other things. And right now,our only option is regularly hauling those resources from Earth. Which is...
S: Really expensive?
P: Prohibitively expensive I'd say.So the most logical solution is to find a way to obtain what we need from the moon itself. From the lunar soil, the moon's covered with a blanket of soil called the regolith. We need to figure out how to process this soil and turn it into usable resources. And we need to be able to do it right there onsite.One thing we've been investigating is how to extract oxygen from the regolith.A question Bobbie?
S:I thought there wasn't any oxygen on the moon? How can you extract oxygen if there isn't any to extract?
P: Well, it's true that there are only trace amounts of oxygen in the moon's atmosphere. But in the regolith, it's a different story. Okay, you know that compounds containing oxygen are called oxide.And lunar soil is about 43% oxygen,mostly locked up in silicon dioxide, or silicon, the primary component of sand and grass.Other oxides in the regolith include aluminum oxide.
1、What is the main purpose ofthe lecture
A、To discuss a challenge thatmust be overcome before people can live on the Moon
B、To explain some advantagesand disadvantages of building a colony on the Moon
C、To question the reliabilityof some of the experiments on lunar soil
D、To describe the discovery ofan atmosphere on the Moon
2、Why does the professormention oxide compounds in the regolith
A、To point out that multiple techniques might be required to extractoxygen from the various compounds
B、To propose that the trace amounts of oxygen in the Moon'satmosphere escaped from the regolith
C、To emphasize that the regolith is gray because of its high aluminumoxide content
D、To point out that lunar soil contains large quantities of oxygen
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