2022-07-15 来源:
托福听力真题+题目+答案:Foraging and Farming
1、What is the lecture mainly about
A、The relative advantages of foraging and farming
B、The discovery of evidence that dates the origin of agriculture
C、The differences between early farmers and modern farmers
D、The reasons foraging is no loner practiced today
2、In what ways was the forager's diet preferable to that of the early farmer Click on 2 answers
A、It had greater variety
B、It contained more protein
C、The food were easier to digest
D、The foods were easier to cook
3、Why does the professor mention skeletons found in Greece an Turkey
A、To support the theory that many early died of starvation
B、To demonstrate that height is dependent on geographical location
C、To contrast the difference in height between early farmers and foragers
D、To point out the similarities to remains found in China and in other parts of Europe
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