2022-07-16 来源:
托福听力真题原文+题目+答案+mp3下载:Art Museum
Listen to a conversation between a student and an employee at the university art museum.
Student: Hi, is Mason around?
Employee: No, sorry, he's gone for the day.?Can I help you with something?
Student: Well, I hope so.?See, I'm supposed to start volunteering as a tour guide on Monday.?I'm scheduled to give a tour at ten.?I did my first volunteer training session with Mason the other day, and I was supposed to have the second session tomorrow afternoon, which is the last one you guys offer this week, right??
Employee: Yes, it is.?In fact, it's the last one we have scheduled for this?semester.?
Student: Yeah, that's what I was afraid of.?So I don't knolw what to do because I'm signed up to give that tour on Monday and it turns out I have to make up a test tomorrow afternoon.
Employee: Well, yes, that is a problem, I'm afraid, becausewe do require two training sessions before you're allowed to start giving tours.
Question 1
What does the women hope to find out by gplng lo the art museun?
O A. What bpes ol vlunter postions are vilable f6i student
O B. How much she would be pelid for working as 8 tour oulde
O C. Whether altemathwe Brrangements con bo made lor becoming to lour quidle
O D. Why a paricular museum emplayee hes nol retuned her phone alls
Question 2
Why dous the women mentlon 0 test thet she has to take?
O A. To explaln why she Is unable to attend。 tralnling session
O B. To let the man know thot she will be lale lor the tour on Monday.
O C. To lst ong requlremont she must fufhl to recelve extra credit
O D. Toishow that she b oware of whal sho must d to become lour puide
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