2020-11-04 来源:toefl.socool100.com
2019年9月7日托福阅读真题+题目+答案:Measuring Earthquake Size
Earths crust has many fault zones, areas where opposing crustal plates thrust against each other, creating tension When the tension between two such plates becomes too great, energy is released in the form of seismic waves in a phenomenon known as an earthquake. Over time, seismologists(scientists who study earthquakes) have employed a variety of techniques for estimating an earthquakes size. The earliest was intensity-a measure of the degree of earthquake shaking at a given location based on the amount of damage. While useful in regions where there are no seismographs (instruments for measuring seismic waves), intensity scales have severe drawbacks. In particular, intensity scales are based on effects (largely destruction )of earthquakes that depend not only on the severity of ground shaking but also on factors such as population density, building design, and the nature of surface materials. and so the destruction wrought by earthquakes may not be a true measure of the earthquakes actual size.
1.Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
A.Intensity scales are based on effects(largely destruction)of earthquakes rather than on particular contributing factors such as population density, building design, and the nature of surface
B.The extent of the damage done by a particular earthquake may be affected by population density, building design, and the nature of surface materials as well as by the severity of ground shaking
C.Since the severity of ground shaking is not the only factor affecting the damage done by an earthquake, intensity scales(based largely on destruction)may not accurately reflect its real size
D.It is important to measure the severity of ground shaking during an earthquake, since that is what determines the earthquakes actual size, not the amount of damage that it happens to cause
2.Which of the following is mentioned in paragraph 1 as an advantage of using Intensity scales for estimating an earthquakes size?
A.They can be used in areas where no sophisticated scientific equipment is available
B.They can be adjusted to take into account variations in local conditions
C.They can be used in locations that have sustained severe damage from earthquakes
D.They can identify areas where a great deal of tension has accumulated between opposing crustal plates
In order to compare earthquakes across the globe, a measure was needed that would not rely on parameters that vary considerable from one part of the world to another. As a consequence, a number of magnitude scales were developed. In 1935 Charles Richter of the California Institute of Technology developed the first magnitude scale using seismic records to estimate the relative sizes of earthquakes The Richter scale Is based on the amplitude (size)of the largest seismic wave recorded on a seismogram. Because seismic waves weaken as the distance between the earthquake focus and the seismograph increases, Richter developed a method that accounted for the decrease in wave amplitude with increased distance Theoretically, as long as equivalent instruments were used, monitoring stations at various locations would obtain the same Richter magnitude for each recorded earthquake.
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