2022-06-19 来源:
托福阅读真题+题目+答案:The dingo
1 The dingo is a type of wild canine that lives primarily in Australia and is believed to have evolved from a species of domesticated dog that migrated there from East Asia approximately 4,000 years in the past. The dingo has a wide range of habitats as it lives both in the tropical rainforests in the north and in the large tracts of deserts and dry grasslands that comprise the Australian interior, which is called the Outback. Considered a pest by most Australians, great efforts have been taken to keeping it away from the populated coastal regions. Nevertheless, despite numerous human efforts to reduce its numbers, the dingo still thrives.
1 Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
The dingo has a wide range of habitats as it lives both in the tropical rainforests in the north and in the large tracts of deserts and dry grasslands that comprise the Australian interior, which is called the Outback.
A There are some dingoes that wander from Australia's rainforests down to the Outback.
B The dingo is capable of living in Australian ecosystems as varied as deserts, grasslands, and rainforests.
C Most dingoes can be found in rainforests, but others also live in deserts and grasslands.
D While most dingoes prefer to live in the Outback, some are also found living in deserts and rainforests.
2 The dingo has a similar size and body shape as its dog cousins. Most dingoes are orange-brown in color but have black coloring around the nose and ears and sometimes have light coloring on their lower bodies and lower legs. The dingo has a pointed snout, ears that stand up. and a long tail. While males tend to be larger than females, an adult dingo is typically about a meter and a half in length and half a meter in height while weighing anywhere between twelve and twenty kilograms. Dingoes communicate with one another through a complex system of howls, barks, and growls that zoologists do not fully understand.
2 According to paragraph 2, which of the following is NOT true about the dingo?
A Adult females are usually smaller in size than adult males.
B The dingo vocalizes sounds in a number of ways to communicate.
C It tends to have different colors on various parts of its body.
D Its snout can be pointed and long whereas its tail is fairly short.
3 Breeding once a year each spring, a female dingo has a gestation period lasting slightly more than two months, whereupon she then produces a litter averaging five pups but containing up to ten of them. The pups remain in an underground den for the first month of their lives, stay with their parents for eight to ten months after birth, and subsequently disperse to new regions when the next year's mating season begins. At first, young dingoes wander and hunt alone, but they eventually form mating pairs and live together to raise their pups. Occasionally, several generations of dingoes reside together, form a pack of up to a dozen animals, and have a territory that they control. This territory is loosely defined though, and its boundaries may shift if the food supply is inadequate.
3.According to paragraph 3, dingo packs may claim new territory because
A they are trying to expand the area of land that they control
B they are looking to increase the amount of food they have access to
C they defeat a rival pack and then take over the territory it had controlled
D they need to have a safe place to give birth to their pups
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