2022-07-04 来源:
托福阅读真题+题目+答案:Vasari. Art, and the Renaissance
The Italian artist, architect, and author Giorgio Vasari was an important influence on the modem Western conception of art. In his Lives of the Most Eminent Painters. Sculptors and Architects, a series of biographies of artists published in 1550, Vasari coins a word to describe the art made by the genius Michelangelo Buonarotti (1475-1564) and other painters, sculptors, and architects only slightly less talented than Buonarotti: Renaissance (rinascita, or "rebirth," in Italian). Although the artists Vasari discussed were not the first to take great interest in the art of ancient Greece and Rome-writers and thinkers of the fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries such as Petrareh (1304-1374) and orenzo Valla (1407-1457) had already seen themselves as reinvigorators of the Greck and Roman past-Vasari thought the rebirth of the late fifteenth century had gone beyond the original. In Vasari's eyes, Buonarotti and his contemporaries were not simply skilled and highly trained artisans, but "rare men of genius"who should sign their name to and take full credit for their work. (Traditionally, artists did not sign their name to art works.) This notion of the artist as creative genius did not apply to all branches of art, but to those in Vasari's title-painting, sculpture, and architecture-which were subsequently judged to be the major arts. Other types of art, such as needlework porcelain manufacture. goldsmithing and furniture making, were minor arts. decorative arts, or crafts and the names of those who made them were not considered important.
1.Why does the author mention "writers and thinkers of the fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries such as Petrareh (1304-1374) and orenzo Valla (1407-1457)"?
O To identify writers and thinkers who had the greatest influence on Renaissance painting,sculpture, and architecture
O To show that Vasari excluded some influential thinkers and writers from his biographies
O To indicate that some writers and thinkers were inspired by ancient Greece and Rome before those discussed by Vasari
O To make the case that the Renaissance had actually begun prior to the fifteenth century
2.The word “notion” in the passage is closest in meaning to
O Idea
O Role
O Feature
O Requirement
3.According to paragraph 1, Giorgio Vasari used the term “Renaissance” to describe
O the art of ancient Greece and Rome
O the work produced by both major and minor artisans
O the art of creative geniuses such as Buonarotti
O the work of writers and thinkers of the fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries
4.According to paragraph 1, which of the following best describes Giorgio Vasari's attitude toward art?
O Vasari believed that all types of artists should take credit for their work
O Vasari valued painting, sculpture, and architecture more highly than other types of art
O Vasari believed that there should be no distinction between major and minor arts.
O Vasari valued the art of Greece and Rome more highly than the art of Buonarotti and his contemporaries.
Along with inventing the term "Renaissance"Vasari influenced how Westerners understand other aspects of art and culture. He is often regarded as the first art historian, and his categories continue to shape the way that art history is taught and museums are arranged. Vasari's term"Renaissance"came to be used for a whole era and not simply its art. Because it derived from broad cultural changes and not specific events, the Renaissance happened at different times in different parts of Europe. "Renaissance" is used to describe fifteenth-century Italian paintings, sixteenth-century English literature, and seventeenth-century Scandinavian architecture. Some scholars see the Renaissance as the beginning of the modern era, while others see it as a sort of a transition between medieval and modem.
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