2020-08-02 来源:toefl.socool100.com
2014年5月17日托福阅读真题P3+题目+答案:Habitat Selection
Researchers who study habitat selection have proposed various models for the process. Marine biologist Peter F. Sale hypothesized the existence of a simple mechanism of habitat selection in fish that is based on levels of exploratory behavior. Sense organs monitor specific stimuli in the environment and send a summation of pertinent stimuli back to central-nervous-system centers, which regulate the amount of exploration. As the constellation of cues approaches some optimum level, exploratory behavior ceases and the animal stays where it is.
1. The word “pertinent” in the passage is closet in meaning to
2. According to paragraph 1, all of the following are processes that occur during exploratory behavior EXCEPT:
A.Afavorable combination of cues are gathered.
B.Sense organs detect and record stimuli in the surrounding area.
C.Sense organs receive further directions from the central nervous system.
D.The central nervous system receives a summary of stimuli from the sense organs.
3. The word “ceases” in the passage is closet in meaning to
An alternative hypothesis is that an animal has a cognitive map of the ideal habitat and that its behavior is goal directed. However, working with a species of surgeonfish, Sale tested juveniles in laboratory tanks with various water depths and bottom covers under which fish could hide. Exploration time was least in the tank with shallow water and bottom cover and highest in the tank with shallow water and no bottom cover. In choice tests and field observations, most fish preferred shallow areas with bottom cover. Thus, Sale concluded, there is no need to suggest the inheritance of complex cognitive maps and goal-directed behaviors, rather, the animal simply moves around more in an unsuitable habitat and less in a suitable one.
4. In paragraph 2, why does the author discuss Sale’s research with a species of surgeonfish?
A.To demonstrate how animals distinguish suitable habitats from unsuitable ones
B.To give an example of an animal that shows little or no exploratory behavior during habitat selection
C.To challenge the hypothesis that animals have complex cognitive maps of their ideal habitat that guide their habitat selection
D.To provide evidence that fish prefer areas that are shallow and have covering under which to hide
2014年5月17日托福阅读真题P3+题目+答案:Habitat Selection,完整版下载,10元有偿!
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