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2015年7月11日托福阅读真题+题目+答案:Motor Development in Children
1. Control over one's motor behavior ranks among the infant's greatest achievements. Psychologists who study the acquisition of motor skills in children find it useful to distinguish between gross motor development, that is, motor skills which help children to get around in their environment such as crawling and walking, and fine motor development, which refers to smaller movement sequences like reaching and grasping.The development of motor skills has implications beyond simply learning how to perform new actions: motor skills can have profound effects on other areas of development. For example, researchers have shown that infants with locomotor experience (experience moving around their environment) were less likely to make errors while searching for hidden objects. The ability to initiate movement around one's environment stimulates the development of , making hidden object tasks easier to solve. Psychology professor Carolyn Rovee-Collier argues that the onset of independent locomotion at around nine months old marks an important transition in memory development. Children who can move about the environment develop an understanding of locations such as here and there. Because infant memory is initially highly dependent on contextthat is, the similarity between the situation where information is encoded (stored in memory) and where it is recalledinfants who have experience moving about the environment and who learn to spatially encode information become less dependent on context for successful recall. These examples show that gross motor development has implications beyond the immediately apparent benefits of crawling and walking.
控制自己的动作行为是婴儿最大的成就之一。研究儿童动作技能习得的心理学家发现,将大肌肉动作发展和小肌肉动作发展区分开来是有用的,大肌肉动作指帮助儿童在他们所处的环境中移动的动作技能,比如爬行和走路;而小肌肉动作指一系列儿童运动幅度较小的动作,比如伸手够东西和抓握。动作技能发展的含义不仅仅是学会如何实施一个新的动作:动作技能对儿童其他方面的发展也能有意义深远的影响。例如:研究者通过实验表明,具有移动经验(在其所处的环境中移动的经验)的婴儿,在寻找被藏起来的物体时,所犯的错误更少。一个婴儿在其所处的环境中进行移动的能力,刺激了其寻找东西的能力,从而使其在隐藏物体的任务中表现更佳。心理学家卡洛琳·罗伊-科琳娜(Carolyn Rovee-Collier)教授认为,一个大约9个月大的婴儿独立移动的开始,标志着他或者她在记忆发展上的一个重要转折点。具备在其周围环境中四处移动的能力的婴儿,发展出了对地点的认知,比如明白“这里”和“那里”的含义。由于婴儿的记忆最初高度依赖于所处的环境,也就是说,环境中蕴藏的信息(被储存在记忆中)与婴儿所回想起来的信息的相似点,在被婴儿成功地从记忆中调出时,不再那么需要依赖于周围的环境,这些婴儿都具有在其周围环境中独立移动的经验,同时也在学习如何储存环境中蕴藏的信息。这些例子表明,对于婴儿来说,大动作发展的意义已经超出爬行和走路带来的直接益处。
Renowned psychologist Jean Piaget argued that the development of reaching and grasping was a key aspect of development because it formed an important link between biological adaptation and intellectual adaptation. Reaching and grasping are voluntary actions under the infant's control, and as such, they open up exciting new possibilities in their ability to explore the environment. An infant who reaches for and grasps an object so as to explore it pushes his development forward as he engages in processes such as adapting his grip to the size and shape of the object. Piaget argued that these early processes drive cognitive development in the first two years of an infant's life.
1..According to paragraph 1, the distinction between gross motor development and fine motor development is based primarily on
A. how much control the infant has over the motor skills
B. when the motor skills are developed
C. the size of the movement sequences involved
D. the usefulness of the movement sequences involved
2..The word onset in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. achievement
B. beginning
C. improvement
D. practice
3..The phrase immediately apparent in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. available
B. obvious
C. desirable
D. useful
4..According to paragraph 2, why do infants with locomotor experience have less trouble locating hidden objects
A. Moving around their environment helps infants to develop a better memory for spatial locations.
B. Moving around their environment increases infants' ability to make use of context to identify objects.
C. Moving around their environment gives infants more opportunity to correct their errors when searching for objects.
D. Moving around their environment reduces the time infants have to spend spatially encoding information.
2015年7月11日托福阅读真题+题目+答案:Motor Development in Children,完整版下载,10元有偿!
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