2021-05-20 来源:
Listen to part of a lecture in an art history class.
P:I want to return to a discussion We just started last time about how painters were able to show details in any kind of light from near total darkness to very bright sunlight. it's easy to take this ability for granted, but if you ve ever tried paint, this is a real challenge.Painters are trying to do something that the human eye does much more efficiently. Scientists have a term for our ability to see details in all kinds of light. They call it our perceptual dynamic range.Dynamic range is expressed as AR it's the number of different distinct levels that our eyes were able to perceive between the extremes of dark and light. Now,In our everyday world, its normal for that range to exceed 50,000^1. But when an artist tries to recreate that range using paint and canvas, well, those materials aren't capable of producing a range of more than about 300 to 1. Susan?
S:A1 Graco' s painting we were looking at last time that seemed to have a lot of I it had shadows and sunlight. The range looked pretty wide to me.
P: That's because all Graco use some painting tricks to make you think you were seeing a greater dynamic range. Remember the very intense colors he used they were strong but they were also opposites ,like the red and the blue clothing on the people. Those contrasting colors made certain details seem much clear. Do you remember anything else about that painting ?
(1)、(单选题) What is the main purpose of the lecture?
A.To explain an important difference between painting and photography
B.To show how artists benefit from technological advances in their tools
C.To show how an understanding of science can be useful in the study of art
D.To describe several solutions for a common artistic problem
(2)、(多选题) What are two techniques the professor mentions that painters use to increase the illusion of dynamic range in their works?Click on 2 answers
A.Outlining some details with black lines
B.Pairing each shadowy area with a light-filled area
C.Using rays of light to draw attention to important details
D.Using contrasting colors to make details more visible
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