2020-07-20 来源:toefl.socool100.com
TPO55阅读真题+题目+答案:Mesolithic Complexity in Scandinavia
The European Mesolithic (roughly the period from 8000 B C to 2700 B.C.) testifies to a continuity in human culture from the times of the Ice Age. ■This continuity, however, was based on continuous adjustment to environmental changes following the end of the last glacial period (about 12,500 years ago). ■Three broad subdivisions within the northern Mesolithic are known in Scandinavia. ■The Maglemose Period (7500-5700 B. C.) was a time of seasonal exploitation of rivers and lakes, combined with terrestrial hunting and foraging. ■The sites from the Kongemose Period (5700-4600 B.C.) are mainly on the Baltic Sea coasts, along bays and near lagoons, where the people exploited both marine and terrestrial resources Many Kongemose sites are somewhat larger than Maglemose ones. The Ertebolle Period (4600-3200 B.C.) was the culmination of Mesolithic culture in southern Scandinavia.
1. What can be inferred from paragraph 1 about human life in Mesolithic Scandinavia?
A.People tended to live in smaller groups during the Ertebolle Period than during earlier Mesolithic periods
B.The areas where it was advantageous to live changed over time as a result of environmentalchanges
C.Human groups were less affected by environmental change during the Maglemose Period thanduring the Kongemose Period
D.During most of the Mesolithic, people were more dependent on terrestrial food sources thanother food sources
2.Why does the author mention “the Aggersund site in Denmark”and its brief periods ofoccupation?
A.To suggest that the supply of year-round food sources near earlier settlement sites had nearlydisappeared
B.To give an example of a small, temporary coastal site that took advantage of seasonal foodsources
C.To illustrate how small coastal settlements could not last as long as large forest settlements
D.To highlight the fact that none of the Denmark camps were able to be occupied year-round
By the Ertebolle Period, the Scandinavians were occupying coastal settlements year-round and subsisting off a very wide range of food sources. These included forest game and waterfowl, shellfish, sea mammals, and both shallow-water and deepwater fish There were smaller, seasonal coastal sites, too, for specific activities such as deepwater fishing, sealing, or hunting of migratory birds. One such site, the Aggersund site in Denmark, was occupied for short periods of time in the autumn, when the inhabitants collected oysters and hunted some game, especially migratory swans. Ertebolle technology was far more elaborate than that of its Mesolithic predecessors, a wide variety of antler, bone, and wood tools for specialized purposes such as fowling and sea-mammal hunting were developed, including dugout canoes up to ten meters long.
3.Paragraph 2 suggests that before the Ertebolle Period, hunting tools and other Mesolithictechnologies
A.were available only in small coastal sites
B.were developed mainly in Denmark
C.were made mainly from animal bones
D.were somewhat simple
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