2020-07-20 来源:toefl.socool100.com
TPO55阅读真题+题目+答案下载:How Herding Can Provide Safety
In open grasslands there is no place for a large animal to hide. Thus a watchful grazing animal will see the slight movement that betrays the presence of a predator long before it is close enough to launch an attack. It sounds as though the hunters (predators) stand no chance at all. Unfortunately for the grazers, life is not so simple, however. A grazing animal must lower its head and look at the ground to feed. Its attention may be occupied for only a few seconds before it raises its head and resumes its watch while chewing the food it took: but hunters are patient and skillful and are concentrating intensely. Those few seconds provide time enough to advance a few steps and then freeze, body flattened against the ground. It may take hours: but eventually these repeated small advances will put the hunter within range—close enough to outrun its prey—and the long time the hunt has taken will have been worthwhile, because the resulting feast will be highly nutritious.Clearly the grazers are at a disadvantage, because while they eat they are vulnerable to attack. The hunters also have a weakness, however: and it is one that allows the grazers to survive. Hunters can attack only one prey animal at a time. This applies even to the predators that hunt as a team, such as lionesses, wolves, and hunting dogs. Their hunt involves running down or ambushing an individual. Teamwork allows them to hunt animals much bigger and stronger than themselves and to hunt more successfully, but it does not allow them to attack more than one individual at a time.
29.The word “slight” in the passage is closest in meaning to
30.According to paragraph 1, which of the following presents a serious difficulty for the predatorsthat hunt animals grazing in grasslands?
A.It is difficult to find grazers in grasslands when they are feeding with their heads down
B.Predators lack places to hide from prey in grasslands
C.It is difficult for predators to outrun grazers on grasslands
D.Grazers in open grasslands tend to be very large animals
31.Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 1 about grazing animals?
A.They spend significantly more time looking down at the ground than they do with their headsraised
B.They tend to remain within a relatively small area for extended periods of time
C.They are extremely difficult for predators to see as long as they remain motionless
D.They can run significantly faster than most of their predators
32.According to paragraph 1, how can a predator get close enough to a grazing animal to launchan attack?
A.By crawling steadily forward with its body pressed to the ground
B.By moving very quickly and surprising its prey
C.By moving forward only when the grazer is taking food from the ground
D.By hiding in the grass and waiting patiently for its prey to move within range
The grazers exploit this weakness by making it as difficult as they can for the predators to choose an individual as a target. They do not graze alone: scattered widely across the landscape, but together as a herd. The approaching hunter sees not a solitary animal, but a crowd of animals, all of them moving, so they are constantly crossing and recrossing each other’s paths. No sooner does the hunter choose an individual than another animal has crossed in front of it and the target has disappeared into the herd. From the hunter's point of view this is highly confusing behavior—as, indeed, it is meant to be.
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