2020-07-23 来源:toefl.socool100.com
illusion of Transparency
When we experience strong emotions, we often believe, falsely, that other people can detect those emotions, even if we try to hide them. This false belief, that others can “see through us” and know even our innermost feelings that we try to hide, is called the illusion of transparency. Why are we susceptible to such an illusion? Why do we sometimes believe that our feelings are more obvious to others than they really are? Research suggests that the reason is this: when our emotions are very strong, we focus on them very intently and are extremely aware of them. This heightened awareness of our own feelings causes us to assume that they must be obvious to others as well.
Now before we get into some of the research in this area, let me tell you about something that just happened to me that’s a good example of this.The other night I was invited to a dinner party at a friend’s house. Now you should know that this friend, Mary, she is a really great cook, and I was really looking forward to this dinner.
So that night everything was going great until she served the main dish. I could tell from the smell that she used a certain spice that I really dislike. It’s garlic. I can’t stand even the smell of it. And it was clear that this dish had a lot of garlic in it. Now, of course, I didn’t want to offend my friend. I didn’t want her to know I didn’t like the food, so I tried to behave normally and eat as much as I could. But I was sure she could tell I wasn’t enjoying it.
Explain how the professors experience at the dinner party illustrates the illusion of transparency
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