2020-07-23 来源:toefl.socool100.com
TPO62阅读真题+题目+答案下载:Is Perceptual Development an Innate or Socially Acquired Process?
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TPO62阅读真题+题目+答案下载:Plant Adaptations to Cool Environments
Listen to part of a lecture in a sociology class.
Okay. So I’m sure every one of you has worked in a group of one form or another. You know maybe a group project you’ve done for school or some kind of planning for an extracurricular activity. Anyway, I bet you’ve got at least an intuitive sense of what makes groups successful or not.
Well, today I want to talk about one attempt to formalize those intuitions a little to pin down what it is that makes groups successful. And I think we should start by looking at a study done by a sociologist named Bales. It is usually referred to as the Bales Experiments.
So Bales’ idea was to put small groups of people together. Well, he actually just used undergraduate males. You know, he was at a university and they were just handy. So Bales put these guys together who by the way had never met each other and he gave them various problems to solve. Then as the students interacted, Bales and his assistants classified each aspect of their behavior, or what Bales called their various acts, into different categories.
So after observing lots of group interactions, Bales hypothesized that every single act, basically everything that the participants did fit into one of two basic categories. Each act was either what he called instrumental or expressive.
Now Bales defined instrumental acts as any activity which was directly concerned with solving whatever problem the group is faced with, such as giving information, making a suggestion, anything that could directly contribute to the completion of the task, so you know, saying something like…I think we should look at this factor, why don’t we try this or that solution.
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