2020-11-10 来源:
托福TPO67阅读真题+题目+答案下载:Human Activity and the Archaeological Record
[Paragraph 1] Archaeologists distinguish the “cultural" formation processes of the archaeological record (those involving some kind of human activity) from the “natural” formation processes (those involving nonhuman activity, such as river action disturbing archaeological material). There are two kinds of cultural formation processes those that reflect the original human behavior and activity before a find or site became buried, and those (such as looting) that came after burial. Of course, most major archaeological sites are formed as the result of a complex sequence of use, burial, and reuse so that a simple twofold division of cultural formation processes may not be so simple to apply in practice, but the distinction is still useful.
[Paragraph 2] Original human behavior is often reflected archaeologically in at least four major activities. In the case of a tool, for example, there may be (1) acquisition of the raw material, (2) manufacture, (3) use. and (4) disposal or discard when the tool is worn out or broken (The tool may of course be reworked and recycled, thus repeating stages 2 and 3.) Similarly, a food crop such as wheat will be acquired (harvested), manufactured (processed), used (eaten), and discarded (digested and the waste products excreted), although here one might add a common intermediate stage of storage before use. From the archaeologist's point of view, the critical factor is that remains can enter the archaeological record at any one of these stages. A tool may be lost or thrown out for being of inferior quality during manufacture, or a crop may be accidentally burnt and thus preserved during processing. In order to reconstruct the original activity accurately it is therefore crucial to try to understand which of the stages one is looking at. It may be quite easy to identify the first stage for stone tools, for instance, because。。。。。。余下托福TPO67阅读真题Human Activity and the Archaeological Record题目及答案省略省略!
托福TPO67阅读真题Human Activity and the Archaeological Record题目:
1.(单选题)Paragraph 1 supports which of the following about the two types of cultural formation processes?
A.An understanding of the twofold division of cultural formation processes has no practical significance.
B.Many finds at major archaeological sites reflect both types of cultural formation processes
C.The two types of cultural formation processes can be most clearly distinguished from each other at major archaeological sites
D.Cultural formation processes that took place before a find became buried are usually less complex than cultural formation processes that occurred after it was buried
2.(单选题)The word “distinction " in the passage is closest in meaning to
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