2020-07-22 来源:toefl.socool100.com
Listen to a conversation between a student and a librarian.
Librarian:Hi, can I help you?
Student:I hope so.
Librarian: Okay.
Student:I need to find an article in a journal called Contemporary Research in Linguistics and I've looked all over the stacks for it but I can't find it anywhere. Could you look to see if it's been checked out?
Librarian:Okay, that may not be the problem.
Student:But I just checked the computer catalog over there and it's listed there and it says it's available.
Librarian:When you looked up the book locator number did you see the letters LAN?
Student:Oh, okay, yeah, I saw that, but I didn't know what it meant.
Librarian:Well, that means it's in the language department library. We don't have it here.
Librarian:Yes, the university actually has nine libraries so you always have to check the library code when you're looking for a book.
Student:Oh, ok. But it is available, but not in this library?
Librarian:Right, but we do have a number of other linguistics journals here.
Student:No, I need this one specifically.This article is mentioned in a bunch of other articles I've read, and I wanted to have a look at the original, this one, you know in case there's more stuff I could use in my paper.
1、Why does the man go to talk to the librarian?
A To get directions to another library branch
B To find out if his request for a journal has been processed
C To get help locating a source for his research paper
D To obtain a list of the linguistics journals the library carries
2、What does the man learn about the library's computer catalog?
A It shows listings from several libraries.
B information is updated every other day
C It requires that the user enter a special code
D It lists only a few of the journals carried by the university library system.
3 、What does the librarian offer to do to help the man?
A Print out a list of other linguistics journals
B Request the journal from another library
C Find out which library carries linguistics journals
D Find out the hours of the language department library
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