2020-07-22 来源:toefl.socool100.com
TPO57阅读真题+题目+答案下载:The Debate over Spontaneous Generation
TPO57阅读真题+题目+答案下载:Pests and Pesticides
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listen to part of a lecture. in a biology class. okay, i'd like to get started, please. today we're gonna look at some very unusual plants and animals that have evolved on some remote ocean islands. And of course, when I say that, the first thing that probably comes to mind is. the galapagos islands. right? The galapagos islands, which are located. in the pacific ocean, off the coast of. south America. That's right, about 600 miles off the coast and being so isolated from the mainland.
the species that developed there were quite different from those that developed on the mainland. and of course, after charles darwin observed all of this, it got his wheels turning. And he eventually came up with his famous theory of natural selection. And that's why you've all heard of the galapagos silence. but we're not gonna talk about the galapagos silence today. No. no way. Out in the middle of the indian ocean, somewhere between Africa and India, there's another little cluster violence, not nearly as famous, but every bit is fascinating, in my opinion. um. A little group of islands called the seychelles. how many have heard of them? ok, a few of you then. well, it just so happens that I spent some time in the seychelles a few years ago. so they're kind of close to my heart. um, and and just like in the galapagos islands, an amazing variety of unusual species have evolved there, things you won't find anywhere else in the world. for example, one of the things I saw there was a tiny frog that's not a whole lot bigger than an ant.
in fact, it's one of the smallest vertebrates on earth. ok. Here's a little mystery for you. you rarely get frogs colonies on remote ocean islands like the seychelles. um, you have some other animals that an ocean current could carry out there from the mainland. but frogs are too delicate. They couldn't withstand the salt and the sun and so on for that length of time. so how do you think the ancestors of these little frogs got there, ken? people brought。。。。省略若干原文
1、What is the lecture mainly about?
A、 A comparison of the Seychelles and the Galapagos Islands
B、 Biological and geologic history of a group of islands in the Indian Ocean
C、 Methods that scientists use to reconstruct the origins of ocean islands
D、 Unusual forms of life on the Galapagos Islands
2、Why does the professor first mention the Galapagos Islands?
A To introduce the main topic of the lecture
B To review information covered in the previous class
C To demonstrate why it is important to study the geology of ocean islands
D To describe the habitat of a unique species of frog
3、According to the professor, why is it unusual to find frogs on remote ocean islands?
A Fresh water is relatively scarce on ocean islands.
B Foods eaten by frogs are scarce on most ocean islands.
C Frogs are unable to survive for long periods of time in the open sea.
D Ocean islands are typically populated with many animals that eat frogs.
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