2020-07-21 来源:toefl.socool100.com
Underwater, whales produce loud noises: known as songs. Scientists use whale songs to study the movements for migrations, of groups of whales. Recently, scientists discovered something unusual: a single, solitary whale whose song is unlike that of all other known whales. The most notable difference between this unusual whale's song and those of other whales is its high pitch or frequency This unique whale is called the 52-hertz whale because it sings at the unusual frequency of 52 hertz, a much higher pitch than normal. When the 52-hertz whale was first detected, the cause of its uniquely high-pitched song was unknown; however, scientists now have several theories to explain it.
翻译:在水下,鲸鱼会发出巨大的声音:被称为歌声。科学家们利用鲸的歌声来研究鲸群的迁徙运动。最近,科学家们发现了一件不寻常的事情:一只孤独的鲸鱼,它的叫声不同于所有其他已知的鲸鱼。这种不寻常的鲸鱼与其他鲸鱼最显著的区别是它的高音调或高频率。这种独特的鲸鱼被称为52 赫兹鲸鱼,因为它以52 赫兹的不寻常频率唱歌,比正常的音调高得多。当这种52 赫兹鲸鱼首次被探测到时,它发出独特的高音声音的原因还不清楚;然而,科学家现在有几个理论来解释它。
One theory holds that the 52-hertz whale may be a hybrid: the offspring of two different whale species Whales of different species are known to interbreed and produce hybrid offspring that combine characteristics from each of their parents' species. As a hybrid, the whale may have a unique song, different from that of either of its parents because it resulted from a combi nation of the two。
有一种理论认为52 赫兹鲸鱼可能是一种混血儿:两种不同鲸鱼的后代,不同种类的鲸鱼会杂交,产生混合的后代,这些后代结合了它们父母各自物种的特征。一个混血儿,这头鲸鱼可能有一种独特的叫声,不同于它的父母,因为它是由两者结合而成的。
Now listen to the part of a lecture on the topic you just read about.
While scientists have attempted to explain the 52 hertz whale’s unusual song, each of their theories is flawed and the whale’s uniqueness remains a mystery.
尽管科学家们试图解释52 赫兹鲸鱼不寻常的叫声,但他们的每一个理论都是有缺陷的,这种鲸鱼的独特性仍然是个谜。
First, it’s unlikely that the 52 hertz whales are hybrid, its migration pattern is too unusual. All hybrid whales that we know follow the migration patterns of non-hybrid whales and so all hybrids typically travel together with normal whales. If the 52 hertz whale were a hybrid, it would likely do the same. By listening to the locations of the 52 hertz whale song, however, scientists have been able to determine that it does not migrate alongside other whales. Unlike all other known hybrids, it has its own unusual migration pattern and migrates alone.
首先,52 赫兹鲸鱼不太可能是混血,它的迁徙模式太不寻常了。我们所知道的所有杂交鲸鱼都遵循非杂交鲸鱼的迁徙模式,所以所有的杂交鲸鱼都和普通鲸鱼一起迁徙。如果52 赫兹鲸鱼是杂交的,它很可能也会这样做。然而,通过收听 52 赫兹鲸鱼歌声的位置,科学家们已经能够确定它并没有和其他鲸鱼一起迁徙。与所有其他已知的混血儿不同,它有自己不寻常的迁徙方式,独自迁徙。
Second, 。。。。。此处省略一半TPO56综合写作听力原文+翻译。
Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they challenge specific theory presented in the reading passage.
In the reading, scientists have several theories to explain the cause of 52-hertz whale’s uniquely high-pitched song, However, in the lecture, the lecturer expresses that each of the theories has its weakness.
Firstly, the reading proposes that the 52-hertz whale may be a hybrid: the offspring of two different whale species. On the contrary, the lecturer refutes that the 52-hertz whale would not be a hybrid for it's migration。。。。。余下范文省略!
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