2020-07-22 来源:toefl.socool100.com
The Plain of Jars is an archaeological site in the Southeast Asian country of Laos. At the site, hundreds of large stone jars, ranging in size from one to three meters, are scattered across the countryside These numerous large containers are around 2,000 years old. The original purpose of the jars is unknown, but archaeologists have several theories.
石缸平原是东南亚国家老挝的一处考古遗址。在遗址中,数百个大小从1 米到3 米的大型石缸散落在乡村。这些庞大的容器大约有2000 年的历史。这些石缸的最初用途尚不清楚,但考古学家有一些理论。
First; the jars may have been used for fermentation. In fermentation, food or drink is left in a sealed container in order to undergo a chemical change According to some local residents, the jars were originally constructed by a king in order to ferment a special beverage to celebrate a great victory It would be possible to use the jars for fermentation, so the local people's story could be true.
Professor: Now listen to part of a lecture on the topic you just read about.
Despite what you just read the Plain of Jars is actually quite mysterious. The purpose of the jars is still uncertain.
First, the fermentation theory is probably not true. In Laos, pots that are traditionally used to ferment drinks are made of clay. You could use stone jars for fermentation too, but frankly, creating stone jars is difficult. Creating stone containers is much more time-consuming and expensive than making containers from clay. Why would ancient people have expended all this effort on creating stone jars for fermentation when clay pots were easier to make and could have served the same purpose just as effectively?
Second, it’s unlikely that the jars were。。。。省略500字!
Question: Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they cast doubt on the specific theories mentioned in the reading passage
Both the reading and the lecture are talking about whether several theories of the original purpose of the jars is true or not. The reading passage suggests that there are three theories for it but the speaker disagrees with the perspective made in the reading.
The reading first claims that the jars may have been used for fermentation1 . However, it has strongly been opposed by the instructor with a new proof. The professor says that the fermentation theory is probably not true. And。。。。。此处省略余下范文。
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