2020-07-25 来源:toefl.socool100.com
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Listen to part of a lecture in a psychology class.
There’s a common notion that psychology is about what’s wrong with people, but psychology also offers us important tools for living happier, for getting more satisfaction out of life. And a key concept in the field of health psychology is is resilience.
When resilient people face adversity, they generally refuse to be discouraged. So when a negative event occurs, say, losing a job or another major setback, are they like, uh, “why did this happen to me?” or do they try to bounce right back and perhaps learn something meaningful. This attitude, this tendency to deal with difficulties in a positive way is what we call resilience.
Resilient people don’t generally feel like victims or feel sorry for themselves or complain a lot when things go wrong. Instead, they use active coping mechanisms. Active coping includes things like finding social support and reframing stressful situations in a positive light. And research shows that using active coping mechanisms is associated with an improved sense of well-being.
Take this scenario. The psychology department here recently started offering some courses online over the internet, but before students can enroll, they have to master some fairly complicated computer skills. Some students get frustrated easily and perceive this challenge to be insurmountable. They just sit around complaining.
But students who are more resilient find a way to learn the technology. They even seem to like the challenge, even when it’s more difficult than they expected and not much fun, unlike the first group who just throw up their hands.
What I’m talking about is persistence, coming back again and again after repeated failures. Persistence is another aspect of resiliency, and so is seeking to learn from adversity, realizing the value of what we take away from one challenge and using it to help us tackle the next challenge.
Think of resilience as a set of personality traits that predisposed someone to approach a difficult situation as a challenge that can be overcome and that might even offer an opportunity for some deeper understanding.
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