2020-08-04 来源:[db:来源]
2019年3月30日托福写作独立题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Parents should limit the time children under 13 spend on electronic devices, like computers and smartphones, except when they're used for schoolwork.
1. 对于孩子学习好
a.获得知识 电子设备如电脑可以让学生获取更多的知识,通过上网浏览网页,相反这些好处没有电子设备无法获得。
b.激发对于未知的兴趣 电子设备会激发学生对未知知识的探索兴趣,相反如果限制,学生将无法被激发对未知的兴趣
2. 个人发展
a.人际交往 学生可以通过手机和电脑的社交软件进行及时沟通交流,对学生的人际交往扩大他们社交圈有好处,相反,这样的好处没有这些电子设备上的社交软件很难获得
b.独立性,自己搜答案 学生可以通过电子设备独立搜索答案,不依赖其他人,从而培养他们独立解决问题的能力,相反,这样的好处没有电子设备很难获得。
It seems impossible to get by in our modern world without the use of our electronic devices. We need our smartphones and computers to do everything from finishing our homework to ordering dinner. That being said, it’s easy for people—especially children—to overuse these devices. Therefore, I believe that parents should put a limit on how much time their children spend using their high-tech gadgets.
First off, people can easily become addicted to these devices if they spend too much time on them when they’re young. There are a lot of people around my age who feel like it’s impossible to be away from their phones for even just a few minutes. In fact, I listened to a lecture last month that said a lot of people’s brains are actually changing because they spend too much time on their computers and phones. The speaker said that there’s a part of the brain which is used for spoken language, and that this part of the brain is shrinking in a lot of device-addicts. Kids may be mad when their parents restrict their computer time, but they’ll be thankful for it when they grow up.
On top of that, parents shouldn’t shy away from limiting what their children can and can’t do. Putting limits on their children is actually one of the most important things parents do; parents limit how much sugar their kids eat, how much time they spend playing with friends, and so on. My parents, like many other parents, made sure I ate healthy when I was young. My mother limited how much candy I ate and told me to eat vegetables. I didn’t enjoy it at the time, but now I’m happy for my healthy habits. The same is true for spending time on electronic devices. It’s not just a good idea for parents to limit how much time their kids spend glued to their phones; it’s actually a parent’s responsibility to do so.
Last Sunday, I was watching a TV show on CCTV-10 whose theme is about children education. On that program one Expert named Yiran Liu put forward the suggestion that children should not be allowed to spend any time on electronic devices like smart phone or computer. It is then that the question popped in my head whether this so-called expert is right about his view. I highly doubt that. As far as I’m concerned, it is beneficial that children are authorized to get access to devices like cellphone. My arguments and illustrations are listed as follows.
First of all, crucial skills like computer skills should be necessarily developed especially for children. Sparing time on computer will be helpful for students to cultivate their ability to utilize the computer and only by capturing those skills could the pupils enhance their comprehensive capacity due to the reason that the computer skills are the basis of many modern occupations. To illustrate, my nephew Li is a golden medal winner for the self-developed robots contest last year in Luoyang, China. And all the achievement he has acquired is based on his proficiency of computer and the installed apps. Had he not acquired the computer skills by devoting his time on it, he would not have gone any further in that competition.
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