2020-08-04 来源:[db:来源]
2019年2月24日托福独立写作题目:Some first year college students do not have good study habits. Some people believe that colleges should provide all of the first year students with a required course to develop their good study habits. Other people believe that providing this kind of course is unnecessary. What is your opinion and why?
1. 开设时间管理方面的习惯课好
a.让学生养成更专注的习惯 应该设置习惯课如一些时间管理方面的习惯成必修课,从而可以让学生们养成更专注的习惯。学校可以安排一些必修课让孩子们学习专注完成任务,譬如优先化任务,label 任务按照emergency等。相反这些能够使学生更专注的习惯很难通过自己学习。
b.让学生养成不拖沓的习惯 开设一些教学生时间管理技能的一些课可以让学生养成不拖沓的习惯。如一些必修课程教孩子如何按时完成任务,设置学习计划等。而没有通过必修课程的学习学生会不懂如何管理时间而经常拖沓。
2. 开设知识获取方面的习惯课好
a.让学生养成主动获取知识的习惯 学校应设置一些习惯课如教孩子主动获取知识。可以在课堂中教孩子如何使用各种搜索引擎,网站主动获取知识,而这些方法没有系统的学习学生通常无法掌握。
b.让学生养成在合作中获取知识的习惯 学校应该设置一些能够获取知识的习惯课,如一些小组合作。在小组合作的学习过程中学习他人的观点去获取知识,而这些方法没有上过相关课程的孩子很难掌握。
People may take it for granted that high school graduates proceed to the higher level of education with study habits already well developed, but that is not always the case. The worrying truth is that learning habits, despite their critical importance, are generally recognized as the weak links of college readiness for the majority of first years. Thus some people propose that all first-years should be required to take the learning-to-learn course. Personally, I am fully in favor of this proposal and will elaborate my points in the following paragraphs.
To begin with, providing this compulsory course will prepare the students for a smooth transition to college study and further enable them to navigate their first year successfully at post-secondary level. Different from high schools, students are expected to study independently particularly in terms of what they learn and how they learn. This is often characterized by the substantial amounts of reading assigned with minimal instructions. They will also be tested less on memorized facts, but more on critical and analytical thinking skills. Under such circumstances, freshmen will easily feel lost and systematic training on essential study skills at this critical stage, such as organization and time-management skills, will surely help them move along and engage in stimulating experiences outside classroom. For instance, just before I entered college, my brother tutored me in how to schedule and the importance of note-taking as well as prioritizing. Thanks to that, I managed to finish my first year with top grades without much pressure, while most of my classmates, who apparently didn’t learn effective learning habits, were overwhelmed by the coursework and stressed out when cramming for the final exam.
Nowadays numerous students are admitted by kinds of universities. Under such circumstance, many first-year students may not adapt the new learning environment well due to the bad study habit. In order to improve this situation, there is a claim arises. Some people argue that the college should offer students the compulsory courses to develop their learning habit, while others hold an opposite view. From my point of view, however, I can stand in line with the former claim. I'll support my standpoint with following aspects.
Firstly, such courses serve the first -year students well, which can facilitate the process of their adaption to college. As we all know, there is huge difference between the high school courses and college curriculum, which are more extensive and abstract. Besides the regular culture courses,there also are psychology, sociology and so on being included in their majors, which need more researches and exploration. In this case, if the freshmen still keep their old study habits, such as learning by rote, reviewing courses just several days before exams, rather than take initiative to refer to more reference and communicate with professors, they may fail to pass the achievement examinations to a large extent. consequently, it is necessary to show the first-year students the right study habit to improve their academic performance.
Secondly, those courses can also relieve first-years’ anxiety to some extent. entering a brand new environment, along with high peer pressure, many freshmen are more likely to be anxious and lose self-confidence, especially when they fail in quizzes in class or the achievement tests. Worse still,some of them may choose to quit school in some extreme cases. By contrast, if students with this problem attend the course, they will find the others may have the same problem, and only by correcting the study habit, can they improve their performance. For example, if they learn how to balance the academic study and social research when confronted with sociology, how to do the research and so on, they will feel more competent to accomplish their tasks. Finally, this will reshape their self-confidence and help them cope the stress properly.
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