2020-08-04 来源:
2019年1月5日托福独立写作范文:Do you agree or disagree with following statement?All scientific discoveries should be shared by the whole world: government and businesses should not keep the scientific discoveries secret.
1. 分享对于科技发展好
a.科学家可以学习新的知识 科学家可以通过知识共享学习到其他科学家的新知识。
b.科学家可以学习新的技能 可以通过其他科学家的实验从中学习新的方法和技能,比如可以通过分享学习培养细胞的新方法
2. 分享对国家发展好
a.能一起解决环境问题 能够一起解决温室效应,尾气排放等环境问题,这些环境问题都是国家发展过程中不能忽视的问题。
b.能一起解决能源问题 能够一起研究新能源问题,如一起寻找新的可替代能源,会节约很多时间。而如果keep secret 很多科学家需要花更多的时间去寻找新能源。
Nowadays numerous scientists in a country or in a large firm are continuously engaged in different researches. Under such circumstance, many new discoveries would be unveiled every day. As for these scientific treasures, there is a claim arises. Some people argue that the government or the corporation should share all its scientific discoveries with the world. From my point of view, however, I can hardly stand in line with the claim. I'll support my standpoint with following aspects.
Firstly, some scientific breakthroughs which can lead to tremendous technological progress should not be shared. It is known to all that some scientific discoveries have greatly changed our way of life. These findings can promote a rapid development in different industrial fields of a country. However, the findings that can breed critical progress in the areas like military industry or aeronautic and astronautic industry should be held carefully by the government, because they may cause terrible or even devastating consequences to the country, For example, if American government had revealed the pivotal discovery in making nuclear bomb with other countries during the World War II, it rivals like Germany or Japan should have handled the key techniques. Then the evil would have created the bomb before Americans and thus launched a bomb raid on anywhere of the world. If so, the consequence of the WWII would have totally changed and anyone of us shouldn't have today's life. Therefore, the government of a country should understand that some discoveries in science and technology are actually improper to share with other countries.
It has been suggested that all scientific discoveries are supposed to be shared among all scientists across the world so that repetitive researches can be avoided and the whole scientific community can benefit from this. While sharing certain discoveries in science has benefits, I believe that most discoveries, especially those vital technologies, should be kept in secret for the following reasons.
To start with, for government, sharing some cutting-edge technology may pose catastrophic harm to a country’s security and world peace. If some key technologies, particularly some military and aerospace technologies, such as how to manufacture nuclear weapons, or how to create manned spaceships to land the Moon, or Mars, are easily obtained by competitive countries, a country will be at a disadvantageous station. This is because the space technology in this era plays a critical role in determining a country’s international status and force in the world; if the related discoveries were gotten by some evil governments, they might take advantage of them to strengthen their military power, which may risk of causing new Cold War in the world. Moreover, if shared discoveries were used by terrorists, more terror attacks would happen and the safety and security of a country and even the world peace will be gravely threatened.
In addition, for businesses, sharing discoveries is not conducive to their survival and thrive in this technologically competitive age. As we all know, in the twenty-first century, the competitions between companies are mainly in whether a country can master the state-of-the-art technologies. In other words, the reason why many world commercial giants, including Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, and so on, succeed is that they own some top scientific technological advantages, such as artificial intelligence technology. If a company shared its key technologies to its rivals, it would be surpassed and outcompeted by them and even go bankrupt. For example, if Apple Corporation shared its latest technologies in making smartphones, other competitors in the world, such as Samsung in Korea, or Huawei in China, could make full use of these technologies to beat it and transcend its predominant status in the market.
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