2020-08-04 来源:toefl.socool100.com
2018年12月16日托福独立写作范文:Some teachers prefer to record the lecture in advances so that students can familiarize first. And students will practice what they have learned from the lecture in the class.
1. 对学习效果好
a. more knowledge 提前学学生需要查阅更多的资料和背景知识,这对学生获得更多的知识是有帮助的。
b. more interest 会有information gap exist 在以前熟悉过程和老师正式讲课之间,会激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 对学习效率好
a. less time 学生已经熟悉相关的知识更清楚应该侧重听什么,减少学习时间,提高学习效率。
b. fewer errors 已经熟悉的知识学生在学习过程中会减少犯错,从而减少学习时间。
What is an effective way to learn is a hotly debated issue in education. While some university teachers believe that it is helpful for students to listen to the lecture before class, others think that class time should be devoted to active listening and note-taking. I believe that it is more beneficial to listen to the lecture in advance, for students will have a better idea of which content areas they struggle with, can participate in more engaging activities in class, and have a widely accessible resource at hand.
To start off, if students are able to listen to the recorded lecture before class, they would have more in-depth knowledge of the lecture material. For one thing, a more comprehensive grasp means that students would have a greater understanding of areas they need clarification on, resulting in more useful questions for the teacher. If students go into a lecture without any background knowledge, they would be too busy absorbing new information to know specifically which areas they struggle with. For another, greater familiarity means that students can engage more productively with the content during class. Previewing the material beforehand allows students to form their own perspectives and opinions, making it easier to participate in classroom discussions. Combining these two factors together, recorded lectures are an excellent way to aid both student understanding and class participation.
What’s more, listening to the lecture before class enables class time to be given to activities that actively engage with the lecture content. While lectures provide the students with relevant knowledge, class discussions, along with practice in the form of problem-solving exercises or writing tasks, help to solidify that understanding. When students are freed from the pressures of rigorous note-taking, they are able to redirect their attention to actually learning and practicing the course material. By doing so, students are more likely to stay focused, retain what they have learned, and develop a deeper understanding of the material.
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