2020-08-04 来源:
2018年11月11日托福独立写作范文:Whether governments do enough things to educate people the importance about good nutrition and healthy life.
1. 对学生不够
a.体育运动少 政府并没有对学生在健康生活方面做足够多的教育。政府并没有做足够多的事情教育孩子每天保证足够的运动量,学生每天的体育运动时间,如体育课或者晨跑等时间很少,相反,学生大多数的时间都在学习
b. 食堂食物营养不均衡 政府并没有做足够的事情教育人们营养均衡的重要性。学生每天的食物很单一,食堂食物的营养也不均衡,学生健康意识薄弱喜欢吃垃圾食品。
2. 对大人不够
a. 快餐多 政府也没有在大人方面做enough things。现在人们经常为了节约时间去吃快餐。
b. 不惩治吸烟 政府对吸烟的惩治力度并不够,仍有很多人每天吸烟,这对人们的健康是很不利的。
Nowadays, human beings are faced with an unprecedented rise in diet-related chronic diseases, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, several cancers, and the list could go on. Under this circumstance, some people, unsurprisingly, contend it is the government’s inaction to promote healthy dietary patterns that is to blame. From my point of view, I agree with them. This perspective will be explored in the following paragraphs.
Firstly, the society is currently flooded with all kinds of health conspiracies, while law enforcement agencies are taking an unbearably slow action to stop them. At the individual level, healthy dietary choices and habits are strongly influenced by what people read about on social media, fake news included, which is supposed to be forbidden in the first place. For instance, although the inventor of the alkaline diet notion has been arrested and convicted in the US, his alternative medicine books are still displayed in bookstores in China. A large number of cancer patients have already foregone traditional medicine treatment and passed away due to his theory, yet the Chinese government has not done anything to stop this potentially lethal food rumor.
Besides, the authorities fail to ensure that students have enough access to healthy eating knowledge. Generally speaking, the reason why adults cannot cultivate positive dietary habits can be largely attributed to their lack of exposure to relevant knowledge in the early age. My parents are a case in point. My mom enjoys high-temperature foods and beverages and insists on doing so even after I told her multiple times that they might cause esophageal cancer. She was barely told to take healthy eating seriously in school and therefore never pays attention to it after growing up. It is much more difficult to change an adult’s mind than to educate a child.
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