2020-08-04 来源:toefl.socool100.com
2018年11月4日托福独立写作范文:The government is planning to spend money to pay for all adults 25 years-old or older to take a training course on the most up-to-date skills at the workplace. Do you think the idea will be a good use of money? Why or why not?
1.帮助professional life
a. 提高效率的技能:政府可以训练职员去学习如何在工作中减少错误,如何在各项工作中节约时间从而提高他们的效率技能,而人们效率的技能并不会得到提高如果政府在其他方面投资。
b. 晋升的技能: 政府应该投资一些专业课程教人们如何在工作上面晋升,譬如教人们如何使用PPT,word等办公软件,从而帮助人们晋升。
2. 帮助personal development
a. 人际交往 政府可以投资举办一些大型活动,在活动期间人们会更多的在一起交流,从而锻炼他们的人际交往能力。
b. 时间管理 政府应该将钱投资在培养员工的时间管理技能方面,比如教会员工如何优先化任务和将任务按紧急程度进行标签,这对员工的个人发展有好处。
In an ideal world, people pay taxes to the government not because they have to, but because they expect to see a return on that tax money. The return might be government services or it might be government programs that improve the nation’s economy. One such program some governments are discussing is paying for a modern workplace skills training course for all adults who are 25 years-old or older. I hope the program never develops, because I think it’s a terrible waste of tax payer money.
First, there is no one-size-fits-all for workplace skills. The skills that one industry needs can be very different from the skills another industry needs. With a large, government training program, most people will probably be wasting their time learning skills they don’t need. Therefore, the government will be wasting our money. For example, I had a summer job at McDonald’s, and we had a mandatory employee training session one day. The problem was that my store didn’t decide what the training would be on, some big corporate McDonald’s office decided. The training focused entirely on customer interaction: how to make their visit pleasant, how to handle complaints, and so on. However, I worked in the back of the shop cleaning dishes. I literally never interacted with customers. It was a complete waste of my time.
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