2020-08-04 来源:
2019年9月1日的托福独立写作范文:It is easier to maintain a good health than it was in the past?
Health is an important concern for our modem society. From the increase in average life expectancy all over the world, it is evident that the current society has experienced improvements in various matters related to our health. Nowadays, innovations in technologies in different areas such as agriculture and medicine have made it easier for people to maintain good health than before.
To maintain good health, a nutritional and balanced diet is essential. Due to breakthroughs in agricultural production, a great proportion of the global population not only no longer feel threatened by hunger but also have the privilege of pursuing such a healthy diet. In the past, people found it hard to meet basic nutritional requirements such as a daily intake of Vitamin C or dietary fibers, because the main suppliers of these nutrients were fresh fruits and vegetables that were hard to preserve. However, due to greenhouse technology and advanced transportation methods, people now have easier access to a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. There has also been a project called “Golden Rice Project” which aims to increase the amount of Vitamin A in rice crops. Since white rice contains no micronutrients, populations where rice is the main staple food has been commonly associated with Vitamin A deficiency which could further lead to immunity and liver disorders. Using new agricultural technology, the Golden Rice Projects provides these populations with a more balanced diet.
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