2020-08-04 来源:
2019年12月7日托福独立写作范文:Movies and television programs should present stories that good people should be rewarded and bad people should be punished?电视电影中的故事,应该永远是好人好报,恶人恶报吗?
<重复北美2009.10.17 >
1 观众从心底里是喜欢这种电影电视节目结局的,接受不了最终英雄被打败,好人被冤枉;
2 电视电影除了娱乐功能,还应该有一定的教育功能,因为电视电影会影响人们的思考,所以必须承担一定的社会责任,不应该给观众太多消极思想,否则会让脆弱的人(尤其青少年)失去信心,会让心存侥幸的人,效仿犯罪。
3 当然,没有意外的结局略显无聊,人们在节目最初就知道结局;但是,可以在节目中间设置出人意料的情景,同样可以起到吸引观众的目的。
For decades, movies and TV programs are play an irreplaceable role in people’s daily entertainment. On the screen, almost all stories have a happy ending, or at least a positive ending, that good people are praised while bad people are penalized. In my opinion, it is necessary for producers of movies and TV programs to abide by this principle.
To begin with, producers and directors ought to give full consideration to preference and taste of audience who naturally expect that good people deserve rewards and bad people deserve punishments. There is no exception that most people wish heroes defeat criminals and enemies, and people with good personalities, like honesty, responsibility, diligence, etc., make their dreams come true, though they believe the process may be full of twists and turns. If the result is negative, then it is not the end. Audience do not accept the defeat of heroes or the unfair penalties of good people as final results. In another word, the movies and TV programs with negative outcomes have no market. This is why there is almost no programs boldly present that criminals or enemies could win. Given the fierce competition, it is unwise to take unreasonable risks.
1. 展示此类内容可以给孩子灌输正确的价值观
2. 展示此类内容可以让人们获得乐趣并吸引大量观众
3. 虽然可能会让人产生脱离实际的想法,但是可以通过教育人们电视和现实的差距来解决(让步)
1. 此类内容有脱离实际的嫌疑,所以不利于教育人们正确看待社会现实
2. 此类内容可能会比较单一,模式一致,所以会比较无聊
3. 虽然看此类电视可以让人们获得快感,但是这个快感是转瞬即逝的,人们还是不得不面对现实(让步)
People are attracted by various kinds of TV shows and movies every day. Some people prefer to watch comedies which can make them laugh and forget about the pressure in life; others prefer to indulge in science fictions to enjoy the beautiful imagination displayed in those TV shows and movies. However, when coming to the issue whether movies and TV shows should show that the good man is rewarded and the bad man is punished, people’s ideas vary. Though some people may favor the movies that are more neutral and show the complexities of the society, movies and TV shows, in my view, should definitely show that people get what they deserve.
To begin with, this kind of TV shows and movies could instill a good value to children.It is known to all that people get their values when they are kids and it is hard to change when they get older. Therefore, it would become extremely important for the TV to teach children how to behave, since kids tend to stick to the TV screen 10 hours a day. If TV shows and movies display that people, who steal from others, who treat others rudely, and who make money by cheating, turn out to live a good life without any punishment, it is hard to imagine that children will not follow those behaviors and try to make themselves as successful, which is going to turn the society into a disaster when those children grow up. However, if children find out that all the people who haven’t behaved properly in the movies and TV shows get what they deserve, they would understand that it is not correct to treat others badly or commit crimes even without being told and they would also choose to behave accordingly automatically.
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